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Is it possible to remap the controls?

Not really, it's standard pico8 controls. But you can use Z/C/N to attack and X/V/M to jump, in case it helps.


Thanks, I am used to having z for jump and x for attack, so now I will use x and c, that would work

You failed 4-Color Jam because white is the result of all colors combined, which are more then 4. 🤓

(1 edit) (+1)

Just a suggestion: After each phase of the fight,  have the game refill your health. Other than that, it's a great game.

One of the upgrades restores your health and gives you one extra heart, maybe it didn't appear for you..? It's 3 out of 5 chance of appearing. Either way I think you have a point, starting a harder battle with less health can be frustrating. I might rework that in a later version. Thanks for the feedback!


Thanks for taking in my feedback!